BCV progetti has been and is involved in many projects concerning the astronomy field with the following tasks:
- structural component design
- structural component optimization of preliminary existent design
- stress analysis in static and dynamic conditions, in linear and/or non-linear range, by means of numerical methods
- thermal analyses
- numerical analyses of random vibrations
- plan, assistance and result analysis of experimental tests on structural prototypes
- dedicated software work out.

X-ray telescope of the Join European Telescope for X-ray Astronomy (JET-X) .
BCV carried out the mechanical design of the X-ray telecope, the optical checks and one numerical model for thermal analyses .
We design and realize the proper numerical model for each single problem, we produce post-processors in order to synthetize the results and in order to meet the client's requests.
Some of the main engineering support tasks rendered by BCV in the astronomy or in the space projects are listed below.
CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- Feasibility analysis and final design of 20 meter Matera's antenna.
- Structural analysis of mirror module and mirror shells for X ray telescope of SAX Project.
- Design, structural analysis, proof plan and proof result analysis of the beryllium window of the High Pressure Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter (HPGSPC) of the SAX Project.
- Preliminary analysis of the HPGSPC titanium frame of laboratory prototype model for SAX Project.
CNR - IRA: Istituto di Radioastronomia di Medicina (Bologna)
- Structural analysis of the radio-telescope Ø 32 m in Medicina (Italy). Assessment of the optical surface distortions induced by the gravity and by thermal loads.
ESA - European Space Agency
- Baseline design of electroformed shells.
- Optimization of the sandwich mirror shell structure for X ray telescope of XMM Mission.
- Configurational design trade-off of the XMM Mirror Module for backup MS design.
- Preliminary work leading to the manufacture of the XMM Mirror Development Model.
ESO - European Southern Observatory (Munich)
- Finite element analysis of an 8 meter diameter light weighted steel mirror blank for the Very Large Telescope (VLT).
- Stress and deformation calculation of the New Technology Telescope (NTT) Fork Structure.
- Deflection analysis of the supporting structure of the adapter named DISCO (Direct Image Stabilized Camera Option) for the 2.2 m telescope at La Silla.
- Structural analysis of EMMI support structure.
LBT Corporation (Tucson)
- Design of the flotation support system of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) primary mirrors in the cast furnace during the cooling. Stress analyses of the honeycomb borosilicate mirrors.
- Finite Element Analyses of the supports of the primary mirrors of the Large Binocular Telescope.
- Stress analyses of LBT primary mirror in operative conditions.
Media Lario Srl (Bosisio Parini LC)
- Structural analysis and performance prediction of the mirror module and mirror shells for X ray telescope of XMM Project.
- Structural analysis and performance prediction of the mirror module and mirror shells for X ray telescope of JET “X” Project.
- Ray tracing code for the performance prediction of the XMM mirror shell, using the optical surface measures carried out by means of the screening device.
Officine Galileo (Florence)
- Structural analysis of a trasportable laser ranging system.
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Florence)
- Axial and lateral support optimization for the f/1. 1.8 meter honeycomb mirror blank of the Vatican Telescope on Mount Graham (VATT).
- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT): Axial and lateral support optimization of the f/1.2 8 meter
- honeycomb mirror blank.
- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT):- Stress and deflection parametric analysis of the f/1.2 8 meter honeycomb mirror blank.
- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT): Stress analysis during the primary mirror handling.
- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT): Axial and lateral support optimization of the f/1.14 8.4 m diameter primary mirrors.
- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT): Active correction of aberrations for the 8.4 meter f/1.14 primary mirrors.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera and University of Leicester
- Structural analysis of mirror module and mirror shells for X ray telescope of JET "X" Project.
- Thermal analysis of JET "X" Mirror Module.
- Ray tracing code for Wolter 1 telescope.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Milan and Merate)
- Structural analyses and performance prediction of ceramic mirror shells for X-ray optical systems.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
- Finite Element Analysis of the EUV spectrograph.
University of Arizona and Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory (Tucson)
- Multi Mirror Telescope (MMT) CONVERSION: Axial and lateral support optimization of the honeycomb primary mirror f/1.25 6.5 m diameter.
- Influence function computation of the primary mirror supporting system.